The Best Automotive Shop & Body Repair In OKC!
(405) 634-8200
The Best Automotive Shop & Body Repair In OKC!
(405) 634-8200


Meleah Montgomery
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"We all know that roads are slippery when wet, but not everyone knows how to drive in the rain."
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Hail Damage Repair , PDR, Paintless Dent Repair, Hail Damage Repair, Best Hail Damage Repair in Oklahoma City , Hail Storms and Hail Storm Damages , Choosing a company for hail repair
Oh hail. In Oklahoma, we don’t hunker down from a storm, but rather we meet it head on with preparation, Okie ingenuity, and a good comprehensive insurance plan. Oklahomans know that when you’re going through hail, you just keep going. This is how resilience is made and Oklahomans are nothing if not resilient. And while we...
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Auto Body Paint environmentally greener and safer
April 22nd, 2020 – Today marks the 50th Earth Day Celebration. It was on this day in 1970 that 20 million of Americans made their voices heard with respect to the importance of the environment and their desires for significant changes to protect the environment. Over the course of half a century, meaningful progress to...
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storm damage to your vehicle estimate quote pdr painteless det repair
One thing that comes with Spring that we prefer to not deal with of course is “storm season”, otherwise known as tornado and hail season.
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Body Shops and Auto Repair shops are essential businesses as they ensure safety of vehicles for transportatio
We have instituted curbside check-in, estimates, and pick-up. Whether you simply need an estimate, need to drop-off your car for a repair, or need to pick-up your car upon completion of repairs, simply pull into our parking lot and give us a call at (405) 634-8200. One of our staff will come out to you;...
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Will you waive my deductible? Anyone who has been in the auto body repair business for even a few months will tell you they have been asked this question more times than they can count. It is a common question. The answer to it often being presented as the deciding factor in if the consumer...
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