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Staying Safe on the Road: Watching Out for Motorcyclists (Avoiding Motorcycle Wrecks)

avoiding motorcycle wrecks, avoiding motorcycle collisions

As August rolls in, so does the legendary Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota, a time when thousands of motorcyclists from across the country gather to celebrate their passion for riding. While the excitement and camaraderie of Sturgis are unmatched, this period also serves as a crucial reminder for all drivers to be extra vigilant on the roads. Whether you’re near the Black Hills or far from South Dakota as we are here in Oklahoma, the surge in motorcycle traffic during Sturgis highlights the need for increased awareness and caution to prevent motorcycle collisions and wrecks.

The Importance of Vigilance

Motorcyclists face unique risks on the road. Their smaller size makes them less visible to other drivers, and they lack the protective enclosure that cars and trucks provide. This vulnerability means that even minor mistakes by other drivers can lead to serious motorcycle wrecks. As the roads become busier with riders, particularly during events like Sturgis, the potential for accidents rises, making driver attentiveness paramount.

Tips for Drivers: How to Share the Road Safely

  1. Check Your Blind Spots Motorcycles can easily be missed in a quick glance, especially when changing lanes or merging. Always double-check your blind spots and use your mirrors frequently.
  2. Maintain Safe Following Distances Motorcycles can stop more quickly than cars, so maintaining a safe following distance is essential. This gives you ample time to react if the rider in front of you needs to brake suddenly.
  3. Be Cautious at Intersections Many motorcycle collisions occur at intersections. Look carefully for motorcyclists before proceeding, even if you have the right of way.
  4. Use Your Turn Signals Signal your intentions well in advance. Motorcyclists need to know your plans to maintain their own safety and adjust their position on the road accordingly.
  5. Avoid Distractions Distracted driving is dangerous for everyone, but it’s especially hazardous for motorcyclists. Keep your focus on the road and avoid using your phone or engaging in other distractions while driving.

Understanding Motorcyclist Behavior

Motorcyclists often adjust their position within a lane to avoid road debris, wind, or to be more visible to other drivers. Recognize that these movements are usually made for safety reasons, not as erratic or aggressive behavior. By understanding and respecting these adjustments, you can better predict a motorcyclist’s actions and avoid potential motorcycle wrecks.

The Broader Picture

While the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally draws attention to motorcyclists for a specific period each year, the reality is that motorcycle safety is a year-round concern. Across the United States (see Oklahoma motorcycle accident statistics here), motorcycle collisions account for a significant portion of road accidents, many of which are preventable with increased driver awareness and caution.


As the roar of engines fills the air in Sturgis, let it be a reminder to all drivers of the importance of motorcycle safety. By staying vigilant, respecting motorcyclists’ space, and driving responsibly, we can all contribute to safer roads and reduce the number of motorcycle collisions and wrecks. Remember, whether you’re in the heart of South Dakota, Oklahoma City, or anywhere else, every ride deserves a safe journey.

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