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The Best Automotive Shop & Body Repair In OKC!
(405) 634-8200


Meleah Montgomery
driving in wet weather
April showers bring more than just May flowers; they also bring a host of hazards for drivers. As rain pours down, roads become slick, visibility diminishes, and the risk of accidents rises. However, with some precautionary measures and smart driving strategies, motorists can safely navigate through the rainy season. Stay Informed: Before hitting the road,...
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driving hazards due to spring
As the season transitions from winter to spring, drivers face a unique set of challenges on the road. From navigating treacherous potholes to coping with pollen allergies and encountering wildlife, springtime hazards can put both drivers and their vehicles at risk. In this guide, we’ll explore strategies for dealing with these common springtime driving hazards...
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5 essential steps to prepare your car for spring - spring car care
Spring auto maintenance is not just about cleaning up the remnants of winter but also about ensuring your vehicle is in top shape for the warmer months ahead.
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essential things one should know about auto repair
Owning a vehicle is a significant responsibility that extends beyond simply driving from point A to point B. Cars require regular maintenance and occasional repairs to ensure they run smoothly and safely. While many vehicle owners have a basic understanding of car repair, there are several essential things that often go overlooked. In this article,...
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Valentine's Day Car Care: 5 Ways to Show Your Vehicle Love
Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to show your car some love and appreciation.
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As the calendar turns a page to welcome the New Year, people around the world gather to celebrate the possibilities of the future. However, amidst the festivities, one concern looms large – the increase in road accidents and casualties on New Year’s Eve. This article delves into the factors contributing to the spike in driving-related...
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deer collision, deer hit, deer crash, hitting a deer
It’s that time of year again where we see an increase in deer related auto accidents coming in for repairs. While it is not unusual for us to repair “deer hits” throughout the year, we see an increase in these type of accidents between October and January during rut season. For this reason we published...
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deer-related accidents and deer crashes or deer hits
Deer-related auto accidents, also known as “deer hits”, are unfortunately common, especially in areas where deer populations intersect with roads and highways. According to the Oklahoma Insurance Department, deer-related auto accidents account for nearly 200 deaths each year and over $3.6 billion in automobile damage.  Here are some insights into these accidents and tips on...
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14 safety tips for drivers on Halloween
Halloween can be a fun and festive holiday, but it also presents some unique safety challenges for drivers. Here are some safety tips for drivers on Halloween: Drive Slowly: Be extra cautious and drive at a slower speed, especially in residential areas where children may be trick-or-treating. Watch for children darting out from between parked...
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15 scary things to avoid doing in your vehicle
Avoiding certain activities with your car is crucial for safety and to ensure the longevity of your vehicle. Here are some scary things to avoid doing with your car: Distracted Driving: Using your phone, texting, or engaging in other distracting activities while driving can lead to accidents. Always stay focused on the road.Speeding: Excessive speeding...
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