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The Best Automotive Shop & Body Repair In OKC!
(405) 634-8200


October 2023
14 safety tips for drivers on Halloween
Halloween can be a fun and festive holiday, but it also presents some unique safety challenges for drivers. Here are some safety tips for drivers on Halloween: Drive Slowly: Be extra cautious and drive at a slower speed, especially in residential areas where children may be trick-or-treating. Watch for children darting out from between parked...
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15 scary things to avoid doing in your vehicle
Avoiding certain activities with your car is crucial for safety and to ensure the longevity of your vehicle. Here are some scary things to avoid doing with your car: Distracted Driving: Using your phone, texting, or engaging in other distracting activities while driving can lead to accidents. Always stay focused on the road.Speeding: Excessive speeding...
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