The Best Automotive Shop & Body Repair In OKC!
(405) 634-8200
The Best Automotive Shop & Body Repair In OKC!
(405) 634-8200


Meleah Montgomery
deer-related accidents and deer crashes or deer hits
Deer-related auto accidents, also known as “deer hits”, are unfortunately common, especially in areas where deer populations intersect with roads and highways. According to the Oklahoma Insurance Department, deer-related auto accidents account for nearly 200 deaths each year and over $3.6 billion in automobile damage.  Here are some insights into these accidents and tips on...
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14 safety tips for drivers on Halloween
Halloween can be a fun and festive holiday, but it also presents some unique safety challenges for drivers. Here are some safety tips for drivers on Halloween: Drive Slowly: Be extra cautious and drive at a slower speed, especially in residential areas where children may be trick-or-treating. Watch for children darting out from between parked...
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15 scary things to avoid doing in your vehicle
Avoiding certain activities with your car is crucial for safety and to ensure the longevity of your vehicle. Here are some scary things to avoid doing with your car: Distracted Driving: Using your phone, texting, or engaging in other distracting activities while driving can lead to accidents. Always stay focused on the road.Speeding: Excessive speeding...
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preparing your car for cooler weather
We have been in the Fall season a week now and while it doesn’t yet feel different from Summer, intuitively we know cooler temps are around the corner. Just like the cooler temps affect us as humans, it also has some impact to your vehicle. These effects can be minimized simply by preparing your car...
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low tire and hot temperatures outside make the perfect setting for bad consequences to occur
It has been extremely hot this summer here in Oklahoma. We are all aware how the heat affects our bodies, as well as our electric bills, but many don’t realize that this heat also has an effect on your vehicle’s tires. Extreme temperatures, both cold and hot, affect your tires…add to it low tires pressure...
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accidents often happen in construction work zones, construction zones and driving, driving hazards in work zones
If you drive around Oklahoma, particularly in and around the Oklahoma City Metro area, you have seen firsthand how road construction mucks up the flow of traffic. Construction zones (also called work zones or construction work zones) can be dangerous for both construction workers and motorists. According to the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse,...
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hail supplements are very common with hail damage repairs and PDR
Let’s talk about Hail Supplements: What are they & Why You’ll Likely Have One if You Have a Hail Claim If you’ve lived in Oklahoma any length of time you are most assuredly familiar with the damage that hail can cause. In fact, there’s a good chance you have experienced storm damage personally. In the...
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auto body repairs so expensive, why is auto body so expensive, collision repair expenses, why so high
If you have had auto body work done in recent years, then you know just how expensive it can be. In fact, you may have even wondered, “Why are auto body repairs so expensive?” This is certainly a question that many of our estimators have had customers ask them after receiving an estimate for a...
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There have always been some misconceptions when it comes to auto body repairs and insurance coverage for such. Even if you have experienced an accident before and dealt with the repairs, how it was managed then versus how it is now co There have always been some misconceptions when it comes to auto body repairs...
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who reports to carfax?
Today we are going to address common questions we get at the body shop. “Did you guys report my accident to Carfax”? While many people find Carfax to be a useful service that provides relevant information that a buyer would want before making a decision to purchase a vehicle, for those who have been in...
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