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The Best Automotive Shop & Body Repair In OKC!
(405) 634-8200


deer crashes
deer-related accidents and deer crashes or deer hits
Deer-related auto accidents, also known as “deer hits”, are unfortunately common, especially in areas where deer populations intersect with roads and highways. According to the Oklahoma Insurance Department, deer-related auto accidents account for nearly 200 deaths each year and over $3.6 billion in automobile damage.  Here are some insights into these accidents and tips on...
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Deer hits, deer-related accidents, collision with a deer, deer wreck
As the weather begins to cool down and the threat of tornados and hailstorms dissipates, you may think you can finally breath easy for a bit…well, unless you have Covid (eck!). However, the fact is fall still holds the potential for hail and tornados, Covid is apparently never going away in some form, and lastly,...
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