Looks like Punxsutawney Phil got it right this year when he predicted that there was more winter to come. While we may not beat the current record for Oklahoma of 13 days below zero, February sure looks set to make a valiant effort for such. While we have broached such topics as safety tips for...Read More
Statistically speaking, the average driver will be in an auto accident approximately every 18 years (Forbes). If you have not yet had an accident, count yourself among the lucky. It is estimated that 6 million auto accidents happen daily in the United States (DriverKnowledge) and for those unlucky folks who find themselves dealing with an...Read More
As temps continue to drop, the risks of deer related auto accidents increases. Let’s all do our part to focus while we drive, eliminating extra distractions (like texting while driving) so attentions can be on the road.Read More
While it is not yet November, here we are already dealing with our first (of possibly many) ice storms of the year. Although it is currently fall and ice storms could devastating in the short term for driving, as well as for outdoor plants and shrubs, the good news is that its effects will be...Read More
October is historically known as Car Care Month. We all know a vehicle is a big investment. It requires a lot of things to perform optimally. We get in such a hurry these days and sometimes when you’re busy, its easy to put off preventative car maintenance. While it may not save you time, doing...Read More
As we enter the last days of summer, the excitement of fall begins to fill our thoughts. Cooler weather, football, and back to school. This week marks the beginning of school for some districts like Moore, while others will be starting in the coming weeks. This year is a bit different, of course, as we...Read More
While we’re half-way through summer break now, but summer vacations are still in full swing. More travelers this year are opting our of air travel and taking road trip adventures instead. However, this year’s summer vacations pose a little bit more hassle and things that one must consider given all that is going on around...Read More
With Covid-19 numbers back on the rise here in Oklahoma, it makes sense to look at more ways in which we can protect ourselves from the virus. While we are probably all well versed in ways to protect ourselves thanks to the WHO, CDC, mainstream media, social networking sites, commercials, billboards, et cetera; wash your...Read More
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